Welcome to Rinda West Designs
Garden Sanctuaries for Chicago
(773) 575-1205  
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Each garden design is unique. But each follows a similar process.

Initial Meeting: At the first meeting, you explain your needs, desires, tastes, and goals. We will talk about what problems you would like the garden design to solve, what benefits you would like to realize, what colors and forms you prefer, and what uses you will make of the garden. There is no charge for the first meeting.

If you decide to go ahead, we will sign a contract for design services; Rinda West Designs asks for a design retainer to cover the costs of the initial work. The retainer depends on the scope of the project, usually starting at $500.

Site Survey: Next, we will do a site survey, taking exact measurements of the site, locating utilities, surveying drainage and grading problems, identifying locations of structures and existing plants. If you can provide a plat of survey, the process will be speeded up.

Site Analysis: Back in the studio, we do a site analysis; we put the information from the site survey together to determine what problems the design needs to solve and what challenges the site presents. Then we create a base plan, indicating the exact dimensions of the site. This allows us to design to scale for your property
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